Friday, June 22, 2012

Black Garden Pests

 Broccoli is doing well considering we had worms 2 weeks ago.   They did a number on the leaves, but luckily the broccoli heads are doing well.

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Jersey Blueberries

 We just acquired some beautiful blueberry bushes. 
They are delicious and I can't wait to start harvesting them.
You need to plan to have 2 bushes per person.  
But the few we got this weekend, 
looks like 1 bush would feed 2 no problem.
Enjoy the pics! 

Also sharing my Lacecap Hydrangea and my Forever Blues!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I wanted to share some pics from my North Garden.  
My Bleeding Hearts are still hanging on!
The last pic is of a log we used as a border.  It works well in that garden and
gives it a kind of an Irish garden feel. 
Of course I got the idea from one of the Philly flower shows a few years back.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Say Hello to Parsnips!

 These are the parsnips that over wintered!  I had planted seeds last year but they didn't do anything.  We had such a mild winter they must have liked that.  That would be Farmer Ken holding the parsnips.  They smelled wonderful when we pulled them. 
Making a parsnip and carrot slaw with them!

Add parsnips into your diet, you'll enjoy them.

We gave the greens to the chickens but they weren't too keen on them.