Chickens, wonderful chickens!
There is nothing better than to be able to let your chickens free range in your backyard. Now our backyard is rather large but the chickens seem to know where we need them the most. I've spoken about how chickens eat ticks in a previous post. Well, chickens are worth every ounce of effort that you need to put in to taking caring of them. They cut down on the bug population and they weed my flower beds.
Here in New Jersey the population of ticks is huge and only a few years ago, at least 60% of ticks carried Lyme Disease. Farmer Ken, (my husband) was bit by a tick a few years ago. Within days he started to feel sick, flu-like symptoms and he became very irritable which was out of character for him. Of course we sought after a Lyme specialist and they do exist. He was treated for several months and is doing fine now, but we are ever vigilant in being aware of these small but deadly pests. I am all for natural pesticides and top of my list are my chickens!
I just want to add that chickens are much easier to raise than a dog or cat. And when you handle them alot when they are young chicks, they are very friendly and seek your company. Very rewarding!
Make sure you check out my new "Backyard Tips" page!
Have a wonderful day today! Suzanne